It was a gorgeous day in Suzhou today with bright sunshine, blue skies, 75 degress, and a pleasant breeze. In the afternoon, the four kids and I left Kathleen to prepare the house for a party tonight. We rode our bikes to Hu Bin Xin Tian Di or "Rainbo Walk" to check out the new Coldstone Creamery.
Marco rode his new bike all the way - about 3 miles - and Maria is now riding the trailer bike. This arrangement provides for the first opportunity ever to take all four kids on a bike ride accompanied only by myself.
The ice cream at the Coldstone Creamery was delicious - just like in the U.S. U.S. prices as well. They were doing a grand opening promotion where if you could yell "Loving Cold Stone" at higher than 120 decibels, you received a free ice cream. All four kids and I included qualified for a second ice cream by exceeding 120 dB.
Finally, we bought a kite and flew it along with the other frolickers at the water front. Besides having to shoo off the Chinese paparazzi who wanted to photograph the kids, it was fun.
Marco rode his new bike all the way - about 3 miles - and Maria is now riding the trailer bike. This arrangement provides for the first opportunity ever to take all four kids on a bike ride accompanied only by myself.
The ice cream at the Coldstone Creamery was delicious - just like in the U.S. U.S. prices as well. They were doing a grand opening promotion where if you could yell "Loving Cold Stone" at higher than 120 decibels, you received a free ice cream. All four kids and I included qualified for a second ice cream by exceeding 120 dB.
Finally, we bought a kite and flew it along with the other frolickers at the water front. Besides having to shoo off the Chinese paparazzi who wanted to photograph the kids, it was fun.