After dinner on our last night, we walked through the Donghuamen Night Market and were fortunately not hungry. This block-long set of stalls have the mission to offer on a stick every creature you never imagined frying up and eating on a stick. The menu includes starfish, sheep testicles, whole baby sharks, scorpions, centipedes, octipus, beetles, sea urchins, and even sea horses.
I wondered if this market is just a show for the tourists. All of the foods were labelled with signs in Chinese and English and I didn't see a single local person buying anything to eat except candied fruit. I wonder if the Chinese are videotaping this scene with the foreigners trying "Beijing Local Cuisine". They probably review the films and laugh about the garbage the foreigners like to eat.
I wondered if this market is just a show for the tourists. All of the foods were labelled with signs in Chinese and English and I didn't see a single local person buying anything to eat except candied fruit. I wonder if the Chinese are videotaping this scene with the foreigners trying "Beijing Local Cuisine". They probably review the films and laugh about the garbage the foreigners like to eat.