Monday, December 29, 2008

#159 Christmas Day

We had a delightful day as one can only enjoy with four children dying of excitement for Christmas morning. Juliana called the reveille at 4:45 AM, rousing and alerting the other children that Santa had indeed made his way to Suzhou. The kids were promptly told to return to the beds and maintain silence until at least 6:00 AM.

You can see above some of the big gifts that made headlines this year. Maria got the coin collection for which she was inexplicably yearning. Juliana was strongly lobbying for a digital camera and she received one. Kathleen bought me a globe made of abalone shells - a popular item here in China. Marco's big gift was a skateboard and Joseph's an acoustic guitar. You can see Marco standing amid the widespread fallout of wrapping paper and Christmas gifts.

Later the kids participated in the nativity play at our Suzhou church. Joseph played Joseph, Maria played the archangel Gabriel, and Marco and Juliana were shepards (read as "extras"). Poor Joseph was too busy this month to memorize his lines, so you can see him reading from the script during the performance.

For Christmas dinner, we hosted our Caterpillar friends Bill, Stanley, Camilo, and there families. In fact, Camilo's family had just moved from Brazil to China five days earlier. They will live in China for about two years and have two young children with them. It was a great Christmas and though we miss our family and friends in the U.S., we are blessed to have had family and friends here in China to share the day with.

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