Summer has arrived in Suzhou and along with the new season, the mosquitos have also arrived. Chinese mosquitos are not unusually big, but the are numerous and ferocious. Though we do our best to keep the doors shut, the mosquitos still get into the house and one bug can do enormous damage in a single evening.
On separate occasions this month, Maria and Marco both had extreme reactions to multiple mosquito bites. First was Maria. She awoke one weekday morning with her face swollen like Robert Deniro in Raging Bull. She had a dozen mosquito bites and the doctor prescribed a week's dose of prednazone - a steriod. A couple weeks later, we had a similar incident with Marco. He woke up with hives all over his body and red marks on his face, again from a collection of mosquito bites during the night. Again, a presciption of prednazone.
A strongly recommended action from the doctor and our neighbors was to hang mosquito nets over the kids beds. Kathleen picked these up at Auchan, the grocery store. Kathleen marvelled at the extensive selection of bug and mosquito related countermeasures available - three full aisles worth !
So we have had the mosquito nets up now for a couple of weeks and have experienced no further extreme reactions, but everyone in the family is walking around scratching a bite or two.
On separate occasions this month, Maria and Marco both had extreme reactions to multiple mosquito bites. First was Maria. She awoke one weekday morning with her face swollen like Robert Deniro in Raging Bull. She had a dozen mosquito bites and the doctor prescribed a week's dose of prednazone - a steriod. A couple weeks later, we had a similar incident with Marco. He woke up with hives all over his body and red marks on his face, again from a collection of mosquito bites during the night. Again, a presciption of prednazone.
A strongly recommended action from the doctor and our neighbors was to hang mosquito nets over the kids beds. Kathleen picked these up at Auchan, the grocery store. Kathleen marvelled at the extensive selection of bug and mosquito related countermeasures available - three full aisles worth !
So we have had the mosquito nets up now for a couple of weeks and have experienced no further extreme reactions, but everyone in the family is walking around scratching a bite or two.