The boys went back to the You Ya tailor on Sunday and picked up their suits. You can see they make quite a dashing pair. Two custom made suits for a 6 and 8 year boy - about $50 each. Not too bad, but probably still grossly overpriced because we are foreigners.
I myself was motivated to try some custom made clothing. Above you can see me getting fitted, though at a different tailor from the boys. This is the Gu tailor shop - one known as a better "finish tailor", whatever that means. I am conducting an experiment and ordered one item each of dress pants, khaki pants, khaki shorts, dress shirt, and casual shirt. This is an audition for the tailor. I want to see how he does on fit, cost, and quality, then I will decide whether to have more items made.
This is all very interesting to me, of course, because my father is a tailor and my parents owned a tailor shop as their livelihood for most of my life. I spent many Saturdays in the shop with my father waiting on customers, drinking coffee, and learning (a little bit) about how to sew. Dad never made custom clothing, but as I recall, people easily spent $50 just to have a suit altered to fit.
More update on the Suzhou tailor chronicles in a couple of weeks.