Time marches onward and today was my 42nd birthday. My big gift, I purchased for myself, was a new mountain bike from the Trek store at the Xinghai Neighborhood Center. I wanted to buy a nice bike and started at the Giant Store on Renmin Lu downtown. They had one that matched the features and price range I was looking for, but the only color available was white I bought my first mountain bike as a senior in college and I liked everything about it except the color - white. I never liked the idea of a white mountain bike, but since I bought it second hand, I did not have any choice about the color. Today was different. I was paying top dollar (actually top RMB) and decided that color mattered.
I ended up with the Trek bike above which has an aluminum frame, front suspension, hydraulic disk brakes, and Shimano components. I added the obligatory accessories for China - kick stand and a bell.
The next picture is a picture of my departure from work. I left early this afternoon to go bike shopping. Unfortunately, at the time I left the building, we were having an enormous downpour. The photo shows our driver, Nash, with a cardboard box for an umbrella, making a mad dash for the car. One most days in China, I wish I could just drive myself to work. However, today I enjoyed the perk of having a chauffeur make the dash in the rain so I could hop in under cover of the building's front door canopy.
The party this evening consisted of my favorite calzones for dinner, more gifts from Kathleen and the children, and a home made carrot cake (recipe care of our friend Tamara). The kids all gave me hand drawn pictures as well as framed pictures of themselves to hang in my new office in Wuxi. During their visit last weekend for the family day, they all agreed that the office needed some sprucing up.