Sunday, September 12, 2010

#328 Best Buy

Best Buy recently opened in Suzhou. It has everything you find in the U.S. stores at 20% higher prices. Like many stores in China, it has a lot of people in it on a Sunday afternoon - Dozens of blue-shirted associates and probably more than 200 customers wandering the place. The girls and I had a fun time checking out the iPhones and the computers.

As I am learning more Chinese characters, it is fun to follow the translation from English of things like "Best Buy" and see how it was derived. In this case, the Chinese 百思买, pronounced "bai si mai", has the first two characters to approximate the sound of "best" while the last character is the actual verb "to buy". By the way, "mai" also means to sell if you pronounce it slightly differently. Chinese is a crazy language.

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