Sunday, October 31, 2010

#340 China Halloween

Tonight was Halloween and the most happening trick-or-treat locale in all of greater Suzhou is in our neighhorhood, Jin Shui Wan (a.k.a Golden Lough). There must have been more than 300 panhandling kids in the neighborhood tonight, our four among them.

All six of us had costumes custom tailored in downtown Suzhou. Juliana went as an M&M, Joseph as some kind of Ninja, Marco was Darth Maul from Star Wars, and Maria is Madeline from the children's books.

Kathlen and I were the duo of Superman and Wonder Woman. As you can imagine, we got lots of attention with our authentic superhero duds. As I walked around with the kids, I had more than 10 people ask to pose with me for photos. Despite the somewhat lame "S" on the chest, the costume was a hit. Kathleen also got many kudos for her elaborate get-up. She won best costume at "Halloween Bunco Night" on Friday.

My favorite neighbor costume though was our friend Keith who dressed as a man taking a shower. Very creative.

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