The last two nights, for no apparent reason, there have been huge fireworks displays across the lake from us. During much of the year, there are fireworks every Friday and Saturday night at the plaza called "Rainbo Walk." However, those seem to have stopped for the winter. During the Chinese New Year festival, there were formal fireworks on several nights and impressive backyard firework displays for several weeks going. Large, rocket-style fireworks and ordnance much more powerful than your average M80 are readily available for sale from markets and street vendors. Apparently there are no rules against them as there are in the U.S. I remember fondly those rare occasions as a child that I got my hands on a sparkler or a "snake".
Well back to tonight's display - there was an improptu fireworks show that was larger and longer than any 4th of July fireworks I have attended on the Peoria riverfront. Unbelieveable. The cost to produce these displays must be significantly less expensive than in the U.S. I recall that the average Peoria show would set off a $100K worth of explosives in an evening. Perhaps they spend less on liability insurance in China to keep the costs manageable !
Well back to tonight's display - there was an improptu fireworks show that was larger and longer than any 4th of July fireworks I have attended on the Peoria riverfront. Unbelieveable. The cost to produce these displays must be significantly less expensive than in the U.S. I recall that the average Peoria show would set off a $100K worth of explosives in an evening. Perhaps they spend less on liability insurance in China to keep the costs manageable !
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