Hong Kong's biggest lure is probably the shopping. Every airport gate, train station, underground pedestrian way, and street level block is occupied by a shopping mall or high end retailer shop selling (at full price) every luxury from Jimmy Choo shoes to Rolex watches to Maserati convertibles. I do not enjoy spending time in shopping malls and I felt like Joseph looks in his picture above at a Hong Kong shopping center.
One bit of high end shopping we did however, was to purchase new Apple iPhone cell phones. Kathleen has been angling to purchase an iPhone for several months now and has had many enthusiastic demonstration of the features by her fellow Tai Tais in Suzhou. I was not too supportive because of the high price and the seeming need to keep up with the Jones'. Nonetheless, when I saw the brief demonstration in the store, and realized that Kathleen was going to have a much nicer mobile phone than me, I decided that I too needed an iPhone - so we bought a second one on our last morning in Hong Kong.
You can see us above holding our new toys. We will call these our anniversary gifts. Year 14 is the electronic anniversary, right ?
I have posted a further collection of Hong Kong pictures at
One bit of high end shopping we did however, was to purchase new Apple iPhone cell phones. Kathleen has been angling to purchase an iPhone for several months now and has had many enthusiastic demonstration of the features by her fellow Tai Tais in Suzhou. I was not too supportive because of the high price and the seeming need to keep up with the Jones'. Nonetheless, when I saw the brief demonstration in the store, and realized that Kathleen was going to have a much nicer mobile phone than me, I decided that I too needed an iPhone - so we bought a second one on our last morning in Hong Kong.
You can see us above holding our new toys. We will call these our anniversary gifts. Year 14 is the electronic anniversary, right ?
I have posted a further collection of Hong Kong pictures at
1 comment:
Ah Hong Kong. It brings back memories of a great vacation. Notice the blue skies as it's the last time you will see them for awhile.
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